Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Inflation Due to Poor People, Government Sinner

Coordinating Minister ( Menko ) Chairul Economic Affairs expresses society 's welfare state is strongly influenced inflation . Therefore , if the inflation rate is too high , then the public will be affected by that .

" High inflation will result in a decline in purchasing power and increasing our poor communities . 40 percent of our population is categorized as low-income , in other words poor or near-poor , " said Chairul at the National Workshop : Awakening the Nation Building Economic BI Jakarta , Tuesday ( 20/05/2014 ) .

Furthermore , if inflation Chairul states can not be controlled , then the lives of the people of poor and near-poor category will be increasingly difficult . This is because their real income is reduced due to cut inflation .

" We as responsible officials in the central or governors , mayors , and regents would be sinful if we are not able to make our society more prosperous , " said Chairul .
( Read: burung pentet )

Chairul explained , in the last 10 years of economic growth in Indonesia was less than 5.5 percent . Even the World Bank has just put Indonesia in the top ten of the world economy by purchasing power or purchasing power parity .

" I believe a strong Indonesian can happen if a local authority is strong, because Indonesia will be stronger as a whole is only possible if all local governments are all really strong . Here duty and our responsibility to make the whole stronger and empowered local governments , " he said .


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